Submission: Ministry Proposals to Exempt Harmful Activities from Licensing Requirements

CELA's response to the Ministry's proposals to exempt harmful activities from licensing requirements.

Action Alert – Environment Ministry Proposes to Exempt Harmful Activities from Licensing Requirements

The Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks is proposing to exempt certain waste management systems, storm water management, and water-taking from licensing requirements.

Webinar – Environment Ministry Proposes to Exempt Harmful Activities from Licensing Requirements

Free webinar on October 17th, 2023 to learn about government proposals to exempt waste management systems, storm water management, and water-taking from licensing requirements.

Expanding Administrative Penalties for Environmental Contraventions

CELA counsel Richard Lindgren submitted a brief to Ontario’s Environment Ministry regarding administrative penalty regulations under the province’s environmental legislation

Blog: Why CELA Intervenes in National Test Cases

Blog authored by Richard D. Lindgren, CELA Counsel As a specialty legal aid clinic in Ontario, CELA is often involved in precedent-setting appellate cases which involve the interpretation or application of the province’s environmental laws. For example, in the Canadian…