Webinar: Mexico’s Failure to Protect the Vaquita Porpoise: The USMCA’s First Environmental Test

The vaquita, the world's smallest porpoise is on the verge of extinction. Scientists estimate that there are fewer than 10 left in the world. Hear from experts about the critically endangered vaguita, the threats to its survival and habitat, including from illegal activity, and the USCMA trade agreement process to save the vaquita and hold Mexico accountable for its environmental commitments.

NGO Comments on the draft of Canada’s Great Lakes Strategy for PFOS, PFOA and LC-PFCAs Risk Management

A submission by 27 non-governmental organizations (updated as of June 1, 2021) in response to the draft of Canada's Great Lakes Strategy for PFOS, PFOA and LC-PFCAs Risk Management (draft Strategy) released on April 26, 2021.  This submission was originally submitted May 26, 2021.

Bill C-230, An Act Respecting the Development of a National Strategy to Redress Environmental Racism

CELA support the passing of Bill C-230: An Act Respecting the Development of a National Strategy to Redress Environmental Racism as opportunity for the government to address the inequities facing vulnerable communities, particularly racialized communities facing harm from environmental pollution and polluting practices by ensuring remedies are integrated effectively into existing environmental legislation or passing additional legislation and policies.

Blog: CELA Supports the Global Pact for the Environment

In this blog, staff lawyer Richard Lindgren explains why CELA supports the Global Pact on the Environment.